What is Stainless Steel to Carbon ratio?

Stainless steel is a type of steel with a low carbon content. Typically, the carbon content of stainless steels is below 0.08%. This low carbon content helps stainless steels maintain their corrosion resistance properties. The low carbon prevents the formation of chromium carbides when steel comes into contact with chromium. Chromium carbides can affect the stainless steel's corrosion resistance and cause corrosion.

However, the carbon content of stainless steels can vary depending on the type. For example, 304 stainless steel (AISI 304) contains about 0.08% carbon, while 316 stainless steel (AISI 316) contains approximately the same carbon content but includes more molybdenum, which gives them higher corrosion resistance. Therefore, the carbon content of stainless steel can vary depending on its intended use and the specific steel type.

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Stainless Steel Profile
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