Stainless Full Sleeve
3000 LB Socket Welded

The stainless full sleeve is a pipe fitting used in pipelines.

Paslanmaz Tam Maşon 3000LB Soket Kaynaklı
Paslanmaz Tam Maşon 3000 LB Soket Kaynaklı- Tablo01
Stainless Full Sleeve 3000LB Socket Welded
The intended use generally applies to the following situations:

1. Pipeline Reinforcement: Stainless full sleeves can be used to reinforce specific points of pipelines. Especially in pipelines under high pressure or underground pipelines, full sleeves can be used to increase the durability of the pipeline.

2. Pipeline Isolation and Protection: Stainless full sleeves can be used to isolate and protect the perimeter of pipelines. Full sleeves can be preferred especially to protect pipelines against external factors and reduce the risk of leakage.

3. Flexibility and Adjustability: Stainless full sleeves can increase the flexibility of pipelines and help pipelines adapt to different conditions. Especially for pipelines that require turns or different slopes, full sleeves provide flexibility and adjustability.

4. Drainage and Cleaning Purposes: Stainless full sleeves can be used to allow drainage of accumulated water at specific points in pipelines or to facilitate access for cleaning. This ensures regular maintenance of pipelines, improving their performance.

Time Resistant Solutions, With Mak Paslanmaz.

Mak Paslanmaz Center Address
Dudullu O.S.B. İmes San. Sit. B Blok 202 Sk. No: 6 Ümraniye, İstanbul, Türkiye

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Dudullu O.S.B. Des San. Sit. 1. Cadde D-05 Blok No:49 Ümraniye, İstanbul, Türkiye

Stainless Steel Sheet
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